Unione Dell’Apostolato Cattolico
Piaza San Vincenzo Pallotti, 204 – 0186 Roma, Italia
tel. (+39 06.6819469 – fax: (+39) 06.6876827 – e-mail: uac@uniopal.Org
May 23th, 2017.
To all of the Union of Catholic Apostolate
on the conclusion of its annual meeting
on the conclusion of its annual meeting
Heartfelt greetings to all of the members, collaborators and friends of our Union of Catholic Apostolate.
We thank you for accompanying us in prayer over these days; you to have been in our prayers.
We have been in communion in the Cenacle, accompanied by the Word of God as we await he coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the celebration of Mary, Queen of Apostles.
We believe that he Holy Spirit, the Spirit of infinite abundance and Giver of life, draws us nearer to God and helps us to live in unity with each other.
The topics which we have discussed and the reports presented by the GCC members and the various commissions indicate that he charism of Saint Vincent is a living and growing reality in our world.
We recognize that he ongoing development of the Union, ensuring a life of deepening communion and co-responsibility between all - members, collaborators and friends - brings with it many joys and challenges, along with a growing awareness of our fundamental identity.
When looking at these issues, we saw that - through our witness, our missionary outreach, a recognition of our equality, our participating in ongoing formation, our loving and patient listening to each other - we ensure that he charism of our Founder, Saint Vincent, is a positive energy in the Church and in the world.
The invited speaker, Mons. Sergio La Pegna, deepened our knowledge and provided a clear overview of the Charismatic Families and of our specific cal to evangelization.
This year we celebrate the Bicentenary of the priestly ordination of St. Vincent Pallotti. The apostolate, as articulated by our Founder, is a gift which we have received from God and which has ben aproved by the Church for the benefit of al humanity.
Within the Union, we have expressions of all vocations: Ordained, Consecrated, Lay. These vocations complement each other, and make us co-responsible for bearing the Pallottine charism. We
respect he vocation of each one and the role each vocation has to play. Together we go forth and offer the Church our spiritual patrimony.
May the gifts of the Holy Spirit give us inner strength in proclaiming the Word of God, Jesus Christ, and in unconditional service.
United in communion,
Your sisters and brothers of the GCC.
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