Monday, January 27, 2020

Celebration of St. Vincent Pallotti's Feast - January 2020

Our Celebration of the Feast of St Vincent Pallotti in Milwaukee January 26,2020

We celebrated the Feast of St. Vincent Pallotti beginning with a Novena of  Evening Masses Each day and Ending with a Parish Mass and Pot Luck Lunch with the main Celebrant our New Auxiliary Bishop James Schuerman.  At this Celebration the members of the UAC Present Renewed their Commitment to the Union of the Catholic Apostolate.  At the Lunch we also had a number of Displays including copies of some of our literature to take home.  It was a wonderful celebration of the Pallottine Family - Fr. Greg Serwa

Friday, January 17, 2020

Novena Prayer

Novena Prayer
In Honor of St. Vincent

St. Vincent Pallotti, you were formed and called by God, the Infinite Love.
You answered God’s call to serve.

You were there:
for those seeking forgiveness and counsel,
for the sick,
for the youth and the aging,
for the rich and the poor,
for the people of every profession and walk of life.

Every person is important to you.
You inspire us to seek God in all things,
Reminding us of our call to be apostles
In the Church and in the world.
Now we call upon you to intercede for us.

Help us to pray. Help us to pray only for what we truly need;
Help us to grow in holiness, to live for the honor of God and for the salvation of our neighbor. You received many graces from God and we ask you to bless us now by presenting our petitions to God (Pause to mention your intentions)
With you we give thanks to God as if He had already granted us what we have asked in the name of Jesus who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen!
St. Vincent Pallotti, pray for us
Our Lady Queen of Apostles, pray for us
Our Father…Hail Mary…Glory be…