Monday, February 19, 2018


Piazza San Vincenzo Pallotti, 204 – 00186 Roma, Italia
Tel. (+39 06.68194623 – E-mail:

13th February 2018
We ask God’s powerful blessing on the 13 members of the new General Coordination Council of the Union of Catholic Apostolate (constituted according to GSt art. 80), those continuing - Fr. Jacob Nampudakam SAC, Sr. Ivete Garlet CSAC, Sr. Izabela Swierad SAC (ex officio members), Miss Donatella Acerbi, Fr. Derry Murphy SAC, Miss Cheryl Sullivan and Mrs. Sonia Saldana (elected members), - and those beginning this mission of service for the entire Union - Sr. Bozena Olszewska SAC, Fr. Gilberto Orsolin SAC, Sr. Beniamina Tropiano CSAC, Fr. Florent Eloundou SAC, Mr. Michal Grzeca and Mrs. Linda Barikmo (elected members). May the Spirit of the Lord be upon you, sustaining and guiding you according to the charism given through St. Vincent; may He bring about in you a profound spirit of unity in communion and of corresponsibility in mission and help you to spread it throughout the Union and beyond in service of His Kingdom in the Church and the world, especially in service of those who are most in need.
    Heartfelt thanks and every blessing to Fr. Frank Donio, SAC for his years of dedicated service and leadership as a GCC member and for the last three years in his role as Vice President of the Union.

    And a heartfelt word of thanks to the other members of the outgoing General And a heartfelt word of thanks to the other members of the outgoing General Coordination Council of the Union who are not continuing in this service - Sr. Salete
Cargnin CSAC, Fr. Stanislaw Stawicki SAC, Mr. Marek Kalka Sr. Martha Lohi Ayaqhoda SAC and Fr. Eugene Niyonzima SAC - and to the substitutes, who were frequently called into action - Mr. Corrado Montaldo, Sr. Stella Marotta CSAC and Sr. Bozena Olszewska SAC. May God reward you for your generosity and commitment, and bless you as you continue to serve the life of the Union for the good of the wider Church and world in your other ministries and commitments.

Rory Hanly SAC
General Secretary