Apostles for Today - July 2014
The New Evangelisation
and the Parish
most of us in the Pallottine family, we came to know our faith and the person
of St. Vincent Pallotti in the parish. It is in the parish that we are first
introduced to the beauty and wonder of the sacraments, especially in the
celebration of the Eucharist. Who among us does not have fond memories of
singing in church as a child, or for those of us who entered the Church as an
adult, the reverence in the ritual of the Mass in our home parishes? It is in
the parish that we learn in a more formal way about the person of Jesus and the
tenets of our faith, whether through attending a catechetical programme, a
Catholic school or the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). It is
through the parish that we prepare for and celebrate the sacraments.
Traditionally, and it is still this way in many places today, the parish is
also where we centre not only our spiritual lives, but also our social lives,
beyond Sunday or daily Mass. And for those of us in the UAC, it is most likely
that our involvement began in the parish.
we continue to explore what the New Evangelisation means for us as members of
the Pallottine community, it is appropriate to explore what it means to be parish
and how all three are interrelated.
Francis reminds us that the “parish is
not an outdated institution; precisely because it possesses great flexibility,
it can assume quite different contours depending on the openness and missionary
creativity of the pastor and the community. While certainly not the only
institution which evangelises, if the parish proves capable of self-renewal and
constant adaptivity, it continues to be ‘the Church living in the midst of the
homes of her sons and daughters’. This presumes that it really is in contact
with the homes and the lives of its people, and does not become a useless
structure out of touch with people or a self-absorbed group made up of a chosen
few. The parish is the presence of the Church in a given territory, an
environment for hearing God’s word, for growth in the Christian life, for
dialogue, proclamation, charitable outreach, worship and celebration. In all
its activities the parish encourages and trains its members to be evangelisers.
It is a community of communities, a sanctuary where the thirsty come to drink
in the midst of their journey, and a centre of constant missionary outreach. We
must admit, though, that the call to review and renew our parishes has not yet
sufficed to bring them nearer to people, to make them environments of living
communion and participation, and to make them completely mission-oriented” (Evangelii Gaudium 28).
Too often, the parish is seen as out dated and stodgy, not a
place of innovation and joy but one of rules and “how it’s always been”. It is
easy for parishioners, often without realising it, to create their own “in
crowd”, with specific ways of doing things and a specific vocabulary, which to
the newcomer can become a real deterrent to participation. On the other hand,
at their best, parishes truly are in
the lives of their people – in their joys and celebrations as well as their
sorrows and struggles. These parishes are places where creativity is allowed to
flourish; where “because we’ve always done it that way” does not apply and
where “outsiders” are welcomed with open doors and hearts.
These vibrant parishes are natural places
of evangelisation, without even trying. They live by the quote attributed to
St. Francis of Assisi of “preaching the Gospel always, when necessary using
words” or, as St. Vincent Pallotti tells us, of “leading a life which is the
Gospel in practice.” (OOCC XIII, 455). Members of these parishes are excited
about their faith and their community and that excitement is naturally
infectious. Visitors want to know why members of the parish are so happy to be
there – and how they too can be a part of it! These parishioners are gentle and
loving to newcomers, looking for ways to plug them in to the mission of the
Church according to each person’s gifts and abilities.
By its very definition, a parish is
relational. Just as there are many parts in the Body of Christ universal, so it
is becoming this way at the local parish level as well. While in the past, one
could count on a parish to embody the culture of the people in the
neighbourhood, bringing with them their languages and traditions as well as
their similar socio economic statuses, now we find parishes bringing diverse
cultures and sometimes even languages together in one place, both figuratively
and literally. With that comes various ways of living out one's spirituality.
The one commonality is faith. This in itself can be a challenge – or an
opportunity - depending on one’s perspective.
St. Vincent Pallotti reminds us that “the most difficult task in community living is to maintain
charity” (OOCC III, 236). While sharing a worship space with a “stranger” might
be uncomfortable for some, it is in Jesus’ command to love our neighbour (and
what better definition of neighbour than a fellow parishioner!) that we must
abide. Our most effective evangelisation is the love we show for others,
especially when the “other” seems very different from what we are used to. This
charity forces us outside of our comfort zone, urging us to learn about our
neighbour and to truly share in his or her life. But if we cannot do that at
the parish level, how are we going to do it in the “outside world”.
New Evangelisation calls on us, as a people of God, to find new ways to share
the same Gospel message we have always been taught – God’s infinite love. Some
of us might bemoan the fact that society has turned its back on God, that there
is not an interest in coming to church. But could it be that when the people about
whom we worry so much have actually come, we have turned them away, sometimes
literally? Are we lacking mercy in our judgment of others when they don’t
understand how we do things or when we disapprove of choices they have made in
their life? Are we meeting people where they are right now, and inviting them
to come (again) to meet the person of Christ through us? Again, St. Vincent
Pallotti advises us: “Since the acts of courtesy and so-called etiquette, done with a Christian motivation,
can be considered and are like acts of charity, then we should bear all the
defects of others with patience,
following the rules of Christian etiquette” (OOCC III, 236).
“new ways” of the New Evangelisation might mean, again, coming out of our
comfort zone also as far as technology in our parishes is concerned. Technology
should not be looked on as an “extra” or, even less, as a distraction. Through
technology, parishes have the power to reach people we may have thought lost
before by, again, meeting them where they are. This might mean we have to learn
a new language or way of doing things, but the benefits of this way of evangelising
is that all people of faith can do it; often with tools which we already have
in our pockets!
Francis continues this discussion of the New Evangelisation and the parish by
singling out organizations like the UAC: “Other Church institutions, basic communities and
small communities, movements, and forms of association are a source of
enrichment for the Church, raised up by the Spirit for evangelising different
areas and sectors. Frequently they bring a new evangelising fervour and a new
capacity for dialogue with the world whereby the Church is renewed. But it will prove beneficial for them not to
lose contact with the rich reality of the local parish and to participate
readily in the overall pastoral activity of the particular Church. This
kind of integration will prevent them from concentrating only on part of the
Gospel or the Church, or becoming nomads without roots” (EG 29). (Emphasis
added by authors of reflection.)
As members of the UAC, we are in a unique
position to live our call from our founder and to do so in the life of the
parish. St. Vincent Pallotti reminds us that the Union “is founded
and instituted upon love in order to promote in all the faithful... the most
perfect and actualised practice of the works of love” (OOCC I, 105). When we do
this in the parish setting, when we truly practice love in all its ways, we are
being true to who we are as people of faith.
· What role do you play in your local parish? How can
you more effectively share your gifts in your parish?
· What do you think St. Vincent Pallotti would say is
the role of the UAC in the parish setting? How active is your local UAC in
parish life? How does your local UAC use technology for evangelisation?
· What unique charism of the UAC can be shared with a
parish? How should the UAC promote this charism in our parishes?
of Infinite Love, who has gifted us in so many ways, we ask for the continued
guidance of your Spirit to spread your Word and to be your servants in our
families, in our communities, in our parishes and in the world. Help us to be
your voice of love and mercy, to be welcoming to all people, especially to the
stranger among us, and help us to bring the light of your Son, Jesus Christ, to
all people. We ask all this through the intercession of your servant, St.
Vincent Pallotti. Amen.
and John Rohamel,
Segretariato Generale, Unione dell’Apostolato Cattolico
Piazza San Vincenzo Pallotti 204, Roma, Italia uac@uniopal.org
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