Saturday, September 7, 2024

Apostles for today - September 2024


How to live being a missionary disciple 


I am Antonio João Madeirense Tchissingui, a member of the UAC, and I live in Luanda, the capital of Angola. When I was invited to participate in the fourth UAC Congress, where representatives of various nations would be present and Angola would be part of this group, for me it was a utopia, I could not believe it. The situation became more serious when I learned that, as a member of the UAC, I would have the responsibility to testify about Angola's mission. 

Even though I did not quite understand what it was, I quickly met with the members of the group and presented the proposal put forward by the General Secretariat of the UAC. But because of our economic situation, I did not get any positive feedback. When we learned that the costs for travel and accommodation will have to be borne by the group, there was no agreement. So, with great sadness, once again I would have attended Congress alone. Immediately I heard God's call to do my part and I was certain that He would assist me. By the grace of God, Maria Janota, continuing her discernment, informed me that she was willing to come with me to represent Angola in Congress. 

The Congress for me was the realization of a great dream: to remember the 'Yes' to the Christian life already pronounced in Baptism. I would like to briefly tell you about three experiences I have had in this Congress. 

1. During this meeting, I recalled the novena I made in preparation for the Act of Apostolic Commitment that took place on February 25, 2015 in the Church of San Salvatore in Onda in Rome. This was a more conscious assumption than I promised in Baptism. My 'Here I am' before the whole assembly and the Society of the Catholic Apostolate has marked and will always mark my Christian life. 

2. Congress was a glorious act and I was also proud to represent my nation: Angola. I heard a voice inside me saying: 'Angola is also a land where it is possible to carry out the Pallottine mission'. 

3. I can't say how happy I was to see Pallotti's sons and daughters from all over the world where the Pallottine mission is present. All animated by the same ideal of reviving faith, rekindling charity and spreading it throughout the world. In other words: rekindling the flame of faith, justice and love in people's hearts. Only me and Maria de Fátima Janota, two members of the group, actually participated in the Congress representing Angola, but the others who remained in their activities, supported and encouraged us through communion of prayer, messages of encouragement and above all offering the sacrifice of work and mission. The Holy Spirit will continue to enlighten our minds and strengthen our hearts so that Angola is enriched by a strong Pallottine mission. 

What does it mean for us to be apostles today? 

Our apostolic mission today is visible in the pastoral work we carry out in the parish of the Holy Family. In this parish, the Lord calls us to witness our Christian life and baptismal commitment by serving in the apostolic activities entrusted to us. 

I thank the Lord because we are a significant group at the service of the parish, each with a specific task. This enriches us. 

    How do we organize our meetings? 

    There have never been fixed rules or pre-established places for our meetings, but rather in the homes of those who welcome us. We start with a reflection on a biblical text that opens our hearts to the action of the Spirit and each member shares their own path. In the end we leave for our mission more committed and strengthened. 

    After attending the IV General Congress, where I experienced how contagious the love lived in the Pallottine Family is, concerns and new ideas for our mission emerged. 

    Here are some of them: 

    How can we live and be disciples today in the mission of evangelization in Angola through music and singing? For, music and dance are important elements in the African liturgy?

    What does music represent in African culture, particularly in Angola? Music is not just entertainment, but possesses deep religious meanings, rituals and cultural expressions that reinforce and perpetuate African traditions and values. We can say that the music in the liturgy helps us to pray and contemplate God, through sonorous, vibrant and harmonious melodies that reveal the beauty and greatness of God, who loves us with infinite love. 

    A European friend once asked me why we dance or what is the purpose of dancing in the Church. I confess that this question  put me a little embarrassed. However, I can say that dance, in Angolan culture and liturgy, is part of the mission of the Church and is a form of praise, which serves as a means of evangelization. Dance is also a way to recognize the body as a gift from God and temple of the Holy Spirit. 

    Another frequently asked question is: how to live and be disciples today in the evangelization mission in Angola through music or singing? 

    I can try to say that the voice is a free gift from God, so singing is gratefully acknowledging the gift received. For this we must sing without vanity and evangelize with humility, glorifying God for his wonders. 

    After attending Congress, we have a burning question: What is the biggest challenge we face right now? 

    The testimony of Maria de Fátima Janota, told us about the great problem of children living on the street in Angola and elsewhere. These are basically children between the ages of 7 and 12. Many of them have a family, but they run away from home because they are mistreated or raped and do not have the economic conditions, and we know that in these conditions drugs and other vices soon find a favorable place. Children disperse on the street, there they soon learn to take drugs or use soft drugs, how to suck gasoline from Coca-Cola bottles, or they are forced to prostitute themselves. 

    With our personal resources and the collaboration of other organizations, we try to help them leave this life; it's a difficult mission, but we know it's not impossible. We try to do our best according to our strength and possibilities. 

    We thank and praise God for the gifts and graces he gives us every day in order to live our baptismal mission in the face of such obvious realities. 

    We implore the protection of  Mary, Queen  of the  Apostles, and  the  blessings of  St. Vincent Pallotti to help  us  to be missionary disciples of Jesus, the Father's Apostle, being apostles of Love, Mercy and Solidarity.     

    The Angolan community -  Luanda
Antonio João Madeirense Tchissingui 

Piazza San Vincenzo Pallotti, 204 00186 Roma, ITALIA
Tel: (+39) 06.6876827 E-mail: