Saturday, August 21, 2021

Apostles of today July 2021

 Apostles of today: Fraternity in action, Pallotti for action.

The third social encyclical of Pope Francis “Fratelli Tutti” comes in a world in full mutation where in many places and corners over the world, social fraternity and solidarity are so threatened. And as usual, the Holy Father comes once again to invite humanity to re-discover the value of human being, and to rekindle charity and fraternity among the people, nations and to revive the awareness of the fact that we are all equal.

What is therefore important for us to spread as apostles from every strata and vocation? It’s just to be aware that the Lord has loaned every one with gifts, talents, and treasures to help others and to manifest solidarity. We have been created to be good stewards and channel of love towards everyone God put on our way. It is then in giving to those in need, that we meet God in them and we show that we are true disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our Founder Vincent Pallotti lived in a very intimacy with God and that led him practice and live charity in action. He had the passion of humankind.  For him every baptized is called to be apostles. As the heart of Jesus was touched by the sufferance of people, Pallotti was also touched by the misery of the people in his time.  His spirituality remains alive in the Church the heritage of the Union. Pallotti was overwhelmed and wondered by the infinite love of God for us. 

The parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10: 25-37) is for all the members of the Union a call. The Holy Father describes the world situation where there are wars, violence, victims of wars, the problems of migration, refugees… He calls all to manifest solidarity and compassion where need should arise. We need then to grow toward a universe where people are joyful to live together with others, no matter their origin, religion, race and culture. The spirit of togetherness is really dying in our countries and between cultures because of economic interests.  It’s a big challenge we need to face by active ministries, by prayers, or any other contributions we could make for the greater glory of God.

In Cameroon for example, today we are facing an endless never known before the Anglophone’s crisis. It means the 2 parts of English part of Cameroon do not anymore want to live with French people part. They demand the division of the country, no more unity. This same and kind of situation can be found in many other parts in the world. The Pope calls us to have good relationships with others that help all to grow as humankind. Opening the heart to others is to open his heart to God.

Pallotti calls to collaborate. A collaborator is not a stranger to us, he is a brother of mine, a sister of mine. The real spirit of collaboration Pallotti invites us to live begins by considering the other person as a brother or a sister, no matter where he comes from, his origin, his entity, his background. In the Union we are all brothers and sisters. We share the same vocation and we are called to pursue the same mission.

The Pope joins the thinking of Pallotti about the apostolate of all the baptized: “the commandment of love bids us to glorify God above all and to love our neighbour as ourselves. Therefore, we are obliged to care for own eternal salvation and that of our neighbor in every way possible. …we imitate Jesus Christ, who is the Apostle of the Eternal Father. Hence the apostolic life of Jesus Christ ought to be the example of our apostolate”. (OOCC III 142f)

Jesus is the model of fraternity, fraternity in action. The encyclical letter of Pope Francis invites us members of the Union to build together communities where the charism of Vincent is visible and where fraternity and solidarity are in action. There are many challenges, but Pallotti says: “our model is the life our Lord Jesus Christ”.

Who is then the Good Samaritan? He is the one who caries all our sins. He suffered for us. He is the one who said “Come to me all who are and overburdened; and I will give you rest…” Mt 11, 28.  He is the who showed fraternity in action towards the poor, the needy, uneducated, all the victims of tragic circumstances. Saint Paul calls us to be his imitators in showing compassion. Pallotti did it. This is his admonition: “Remember of that those who seriously fail to help their neighbor in their material needs are guilty of serious sin, so those who seriously fail to help their neighbor in the need of the soul are likewise guilty”.

We can conclude that today’s world, environment, and context, not only with Covid 19 is a vast apostolic field to make ourselves a neighbor of everyone, no matter who they are. Jesus says whatsoever you do to the less of my bother/sister you do it to me. Let’s do it.

Questions for personal reflection:

  1. Is there be a real love of neighbor, solidarity and fraternity among us in the Union? In the nations, communities, apostolate fields?

  2. How the encyclical letter of Pope Francis “Fratelli Tutti” goes with faith – love and mission?

  3. After reading the Parable of Good Samaritan, take time to reflect where you were helped or loved as “neighbor” or you helped or loved someone as “neighbor”. Remember the person, place and the circumstance. And thank God for that.


                                                                                         Fr Florent Eloundou SAC

                                                                                                   NCC of Cam