Tuesday, April 24, 2018

President, Vice President of GCC

To all of the members, collaborators, friends and benefactors of the Union of Catholic Apostolate

Heartfelt greetings from Rome!

The new General Coordination Council of the Union is holding its first annual meeting in the Casa La Salle, Fratelli Scuole Cristiane, Via Aurelia 476, 00165 Rome, from the 21st to the 25th of April 2018. 
On Monday April 23rd, this Council re-elected Ms. Donatella Acerbi as President, and elected Fr. Gilberto Orsolin, SAC, as Vice President. The re-election of Donatella was confirmed today, April 24th, by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, as required by the General Statutes (Art. 82 §2). 
Through the intercession St. Vincent Pallotti, we ask God's blessing on Donatella and Fr. Gilberto so that guided by the Holy Spirit they may work together fruitfully and joyfully to build up the Kingdom of Christ in the Church and the world. Heartfelt thanks and every blessing to the outgoing Vice President, Fr. Frank Donio SAC for his years of dedicated service on the GCC and as Vice President.

In communion,

Fr. Rory Hanly SAC
General Secretary

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Prayer for the UAC General Coordination Council Meeting
April 21-25, 2018

Lord God, we pray for the annual meeting of the General Coordination Council. May it be a true experience of the Cenacle, of being united with You and with one another in the love and power of the Spirit of Jesus, Your Risen Son, sustained by the accompaniment of Our Lady Queen of Apostles, of St. Vincent Pallotti, of Blessed Elisabetta Sanna, Józef Stanek and Józef Jankowski.
Help us to grow in faithfulness to Jesus' prayer that we be one, as He and You, Father, are one, and to live ever more generously his new commandment to love one another as He loves us.
We ask You to free us from any blindness, so that we may see and love each other with Your eyes and Your heart, as brothers and sisters, each created in the image and likeness of God and continually recreated in the image and likeness of God-with-us, Emmanuel, Jesus Christ Your Son.
Give us hearts capable of reading deeply the signs of the times concerning the Union at this point in its history, and of responding generously, courageously and creatively to the issues and concerns that our Pallottine Family is facing in its mission to be of true and humble service to the universal and local Church and beyond.
Grant us the spirit of discernment, so that all that we do may be guided by You, that our decisions may be the expression of nothing other than Your Will for the Union at this time for the building up of Your Kingdom in the Church and the wider world.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit, through the intercession of Mary, Queen of Apostles, and of St. Vincent Pallotti.
