Apostles for today
December 2014
“Overcome every temptation through the joy of the Gospel” Spiritual Preparation for the General Congress of the Union in July 2015
“I am aware that we need to create spaces
where pastoral workers can be helped and healed, “places where faith itself in
the crucified and risen Jesus is renewed, where the most profound questions and
daily concerns are shared, where deeper discernment about our experiences and
life itself is undertaken in the light of the Gospel, for the purpose of
directing individual and social decisions towards the good and beautiful”. (Evangelii Gaudium 77)
Pope Francis
invites us to create spaces for renewal, in order to motivate and to heal.
During our monthly spiritual reflection, I think that it is worthwhile for each
one of us to reflect on our own spaces for renewal where we draw the strength and
determination for apostolic action, where we are renewed and discern our own
path in life, in life in and with the Church for which we are responsible through
our baptism. This space for renewal for each one of us is Jesus, who is with us
every time we meet in his name. For this reason our General Statutes speaks of
being in communion with God in art. 23. “The
members of the Union, in order to deepen and preserve communion with God and
with each other in following Jesus Christ as St. Vincent Pallotti did: study,
meditate on and share Sacred Scripture as their source of inspiration; make the
celebration of the Eucharist the centre of their lives; are assiduous in
personal and community prayer; share reciprocally their experiences of life and
of faith; live forgiveness and reconciliation as a pathway to permanent
Without doubt, there are many wonderful apostolic activities which we
share in the Church and about which we can boast. Nevertheless, we need to stop and think about the temptations to which
we are exposed (EG 17 b).
We all well remember what beautiful ideals accompanied Saint Vincent Pallotti
in his foundation of the Union (cf. OOCC IV, pp.17-23), and with sorrow we must
admit that the temptations of which Pope Francis speaks in Evangelii Gaudium also affect our Union.
The first
temptation is an inordinate concern for personal freedom and relaxation, which
leads us to see our apostolic work as a mere appendage to our life, as if it
were not part of the very identity of those involved in pastoral ministry; which
leads to a heightened individualism, a crisis of identity and a cooling of
fervour. These are three evils which fuel one another. Also, a lifestyle
which leads to an attachment to financial security, or to a desire for power or
human glory at all cost, rather than giving their lives to others in mission. In
this way, the task of evangelisation is lived without enthusiasm, with only a
minimum of effort limited in time.
Let us not allow
ourselves to be robbed of missionary enthusiasm!
(EG 78-80)
Saint Vincent yearned to fulfil the commandment of love which is without
limits and desired that all might know and love Christ. For this reason, our
love for Jesus cannot remain simply our own private secret, hidden from the
eyes of the world, not allowing it to be shared with those who do not know him.
Sometimes we are
afraid that someone will invite us to carry out an apostolic action; and thus
we try to distance ourselves from every commitment which could deprive us of
our free time which we guard obsessively … as if the task of evangelisation
were a danger rather than a joyful response to the love of God which calls us
to mission and makes us fully realised and fruitful. The problem is not always
an excess of activity, but rather activity undertaken badly, without adequate
motivation, without a spirituality which would permeate it and make it
pleasurable. Today’s obsession with immediate results makes it hard for pastoral
workers to tolerate anything that smacks of disagreement, possible failure,
criticism, the cross. The biggest threat of all is “the gray pragmatism of
the daily life of the Church, in which all appears to proceed normally, while
in reality faith is wearing down and degenerating into small-mindedness”.
us not allow ourselves to be robbed of the joy of evangelization! (EG
The joy of the
Gospel is such that it cannot be taken away from us by anyone or anything
(cf. Jn 16:22). One of the more serious temptations which
stifles boldness and zeal is a defeatism which turns us into querulous and
disillusioned pessimists, “sourpusses”. Nobody can go off to battle unless he
is fully convinced of victory beforehand. In some places a spiritual “desertification”
has evidently come about, as the result of attempts by some societies to build
without God or to eliminate their Christian roots. We can also become a
spiritual desert. Our family or workplace can also be a parched place where
faith nonetheless has to be preserved and communicated. In the desert people of
faith are needed who, by the example of their own lives, point out the way to
the Promised Land and keep hope alive”.
Let us not allow
ourselves to be robbed of hope! (EG 85-86)
Today, when the
networks and means of human communication have made unprecedented advances, we
sense the challenge of finding and sharing the depths of a life of communion.
We experience being together with our differences, initially perhaps a little
chaotically, which however can become a genuine experience of fraternity, a
caravan of solidarity, a sacred pilgrimage. To go out of ourselves and to
join others is healthy for us. To be self-enclosed is to taste the bitter
poison of isolation. The Gospel tells us constantly to run the risk of a
face-to-face encounter with others, in a community of faith. The Son of God, by
becoming flesh, summoned us to the revolution of tenderness. In some parts of
our society, we see the growing attraction to various forms of a “spirituality
of well-being” divorced from any community life, or to a “theology of
prosperity” detached from responsibility for our brothers and sisters. The
solution to our problems will never be found in fleeing from a personal and
committed relationship with God which at the same time commits us to serving
others. It happens today in our parishes that as believers seek to hide or keep
apart from others, or quietly flit from one place to another or from one task
to another, without creating deep and stable bonds. This is a false remedy
which can cause spiritual sickness. It is far better to learn to find Jesus in
the faces of others, in their voices, in their pleas. There indeed we find true
healing, since the way to relate to others which truly heals us is a mystical,
contemplative fraternal love, capable of seeing the sacred grandeur of our
neighbour, of finding God in every human being, of tolerating the nuisances of
life in common by clinging to the love of God, of opening the heart to divine
love and seeking the happiness of others just as their heavenly Father does.
Let us not allow
ourselves to be robbed of community!
(EG 87-92)
We must also
beware of spiritual worldliness, which hides behind the appearance of piety and
even love for the Church. It consists in seeking not the Lord’s glory but human
glory and personal well-being. This leads us to replace evangelical fervour
with complacency and self-indulgence. Those who have fallen into this
worldliness look on from above and afar, they reject the prophecy of their
brothers and sisters, they discredit those who raise questions, they constantly
point out the mistakes of others, they neither learn from their sins nor are
they genuinely open to forgiveness. This stifling worldliness can only be
healed by breathing in the pure air of the Holy Spirit, who frees us from
concentration on ourselves and opens us to the presence of God.
Let us not allow
ourselves to be robbed of the Gospel!
(EG 93-97)
worldliness leads some Christians to war with other Christians who stand in the
way of their quest for power, prestige, pleasure and economic security. Beware
of the temptation of jealousy! We are all in the same boat and headed to the
same port! Let us ask for the grace to rejoice in the gifts of each, which
belong to all. Saint Paul’s exhortation is directed to each of us: “Do not be
overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom 12:21). And
again: “Let us not grow weary in doing what is right” (Gal 6:9).
us not allow ourselves to be robbed of the ideal of fraternal love! (EG 98-101)
We should
recognize that despite the present crisis of commitment and communal
relationships, many young people are making common cause before the problems of
our world and are taking up various forms of activism and volunteer work. How
beautiful it is to see that young people are “street preachers” (callejeros
de la fe), joyfully bringing Jesus to every street, every town square and
every corner of the earth! A lack of contagious apostolic fervour in our
communities results in a cooling of enthusiasm and attractiveness. Wherever
there is life, fervour and a desire to bring Christ to others, genuine
vocations will arise. Challenges exist to be overcome! Let us be realists, but
without losing our joy, our boldness and our hope-filled commitment!
Let us not allow
ourselves to be robbed of missionary vigour!
(EG 106-109)
Joy is truly a great strength, because it is a sign that the Lord is
truly with us. This is why Saint Vincent, speaking of the members of the Union,
desired that joy and spiritual happiness would radiate from their faces, in
their modest gaze, in all of their activity, behaviour, in the reciprocal
encounter in community, and in particular with people coming from outside,
encountered in pastoral ministry (cf.
OOCC VII, 171).
The Gospel, hope, community, the ideal of fraternal love, the missions …
all of this is a way of being Church. It is for this that we meet together,
that we strengthen each other, so that the Union may be always ready to bring
Jesus, the joy which is ever new, the joy to be shared... .
Questions for personal and/or community reflection:
• How do I nourish my faith and my being in communion with God?
• What temptations do I experience as a cause of paralysis in my
• What apostolic initiatives can we take as a National Coordination
Council, as Local Coordination Councils, as members of communities and groups
of the Union, in order to create a space for encounter with families to help
them to discover and/or deepen evangelical joy and hope in their lives?
Fr. Vladimir Peklansky SAC
Nazionale della Formazione,
Segretariato Generale, Unione dell’Apostolato
San Vincenzo Pallotti 204, Roma, Italia uac@uniopal.org